Menu for the Week

Message from PolyGoddess

Using Dry Ice


Common Sense
Playa Location
Camp Layout
Volunteer Shifts
What to Bring

Leave No Trace

Camp Needs

Water Reclamation

PolyBurn on the Web
Camper Bios

PolyParadise Awards

AZBurner Pot Luck
BRC Publications
Theme Camp Links

Polyamory Links
Scotto's Flash Intros

Official Burning Man Web Site
Community Kitchen 

What Community Infrastructure is being provided?

Community Shade Structure ('50 x '20) with covering on back side for shade and dust control. You are encouraged to bring chairs for use by PolyParadise members and for those visiting during Poly High Tea. 

Dual Shower structure. (2 solar shower bags on pulleys: filled by each person using the shower) 

Community Grey Water Recycling Station
Community Trash / Recycle area

Community Dish Washing & Rinse area 

All Kitchen supplies as stated below.

The monies ($35/person) you are contributing to camp with PolyParadise will go towards providing the food items listed below and for on Playa items such as Ice... 

Create an account if you don't have one, it's free. Add money to your account, via bank xfer or credit card Choose "Send Money" Send the PolyParadise contributions to account Put "PolyParadise Contribution" in the subject field. Note the names of those you are paying for in the note field.

You can give my account as a referral if needed.

For Snail Mail (Please: Before 8/10, money order or Cashiers Check preferred):

Scott Platsky
303 E South Mountain Ave
Suite 106
Phoenix, AZ 85040

So as a camper, what do I get for that?

Kitchen coordinator will Provide: 3 Snacks per day (Nuts, Trail Mixes, Fruit Cups, Frozen Fruit, Pudding, etc.) Coffee, Tea, Apple Cider, Hot Chocolate and other non-alcoholic beverages (Gatorade mix, Chai)

Complete dishwashing station with soapy water and rinse area

Kitchen set-up: (Stoves, Pots/Pans, Utensils, Cooking spices, Serving dishes)

Ice for community coolers & Propane Stoves for cooking

Drinking Water will be available. It is encouraged that you help replenish the Community Drinking water when needed

What do I need to bring? -
 Individual Responsibilities:

Contributions to evening Community meal Sunday through Friday (one main dish each night and side dishes).

Personal mess kit (plate, bowl, cup, silverware) and of course Hunger.

Community Meals:
The idea behind the Community meal @ 6:00pm each day is so that at least once per day we are all in the same place to discuss Camp business, share BM experiences and the like. 

The MAIN dish of this meal is a DONATED meal cooked by a volunteer or group of volunteers. Planning should be made to make enough of this MAIN dish to accommodate all of the PolyParadise camp members. 

Other PP campers are ENCOURAGED to contribute a side dish for any, all or some of the Main Meals that have be spoken for. That way each day all of us get to have a chance at being a Gourmet Chef, while secretly adding our special ingredients. Of course mine is PLAYA DUST!!! Remember Playa Dust is a condiment, goes well with everything.

What is Expected of me in camping with PolyParadise?

Required to bring 2 Gallons of Water to contribute to the running of the Human Carcass Wash.

Required to bring 5 Gallons of Water to contribute to Community Drinking water.

Follow the LEAVE NO TRACE rule of BM, and coordinate with the TRASH CZAR prior to leaving the event and our campsite looking for and picking up MOOP (Matter Out of Place)

Each camp member is expected to take some Community Trash home with them and to dispose of it in the proper manner in an appropriate facility or container when you return to your respective home locations. 

Don't depend on your neighbors to clean up after you.