
Common Sense
Playa Location
Camp Layout
Volunteer Shifts
What to Bring

Leave No Trace

Camp Needs

Water Reclamation

PolyBurn on the Web
Camper Bios

PolyParadise Awards

AZBurner Pot Luck
BRC Publications
Theme Camp Links

Polyamory Links
Scotto's Flash Intros

Official Burning Man Web Site

Common Sense Things...

****We are a group of polyamorists seeking to live our dreams, and this camp is one manifestation of that. Polyamory involves openness to multiple loving relationships, with honesty among all partners.****

That quote is the Intro to our Yahoo Group as well as our web site. We all come to BM and PolyParadise from our own communities and our own households. Each with a different set of rules or understandings / agreements between the different people and groups of people who accompanied us to BM.

Burning Man is a society where customs are quite different than the default world. But this does not mean that it is a 'free for all'. The personal limits of others can easily be pushed or disregarded.

Please do not make any assumptions that because a person of either gender is naked that they want 'touch', in our camp as well as your ventures on the Playa. As Poly's we 'Process' in our own ways...Touching without asking or without having prior permission to do so is unacceptable in PP.

The Human CarCass Wash

If you have never been a participant in the HCW, you are in for a treat, both participating and helping run it.

The HCW breaks gender barriers for being touched, it of course by its nature of being washed means it also 'Requires' people to be naked and to be washed. People who would not otherwise be naked, or want to be photographed doing such an activity.

With the HCW we have a VERY important role to play as PP campers. I highly encourage everyone to get involved in this fun activity. The HCW area is a 'No Camera Zone'. I have 2 signs that are highly visible which will be returning to the Playa again this year. When dealing with someone who is taking pictures politely ask them to respect our 'No Camera' Request.

Another essential part of the smooth running of the HCW is that those running the activity must make sure that all participants 'Must' be asked their boundaries for being touched prior to being the one washed. We must make sure that all other participants have heard that stated boundary, or the question is asked again at the next station.

If a HCW participant breaks this stated boundary, that person should be pulled aside and dealt with in a civil manner and tone. If you feel you cannot defuse the situation yourself bring this issue to the attention of Steve Iddings, Greg Davidson or myself...

For those that choose to be naked

If you have a 'Bare Bottom' I ask you to have a towel or some covering for the chair you will plop your bare bottom on....

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Leave No Trace

'Czar de Garbage'. There will be clearly marked areas for Burnable, Recyclable and Wet 'Community Trash'. Please use them!!! There will also be a wire mesh structure for 'Wet' trash that needs to dry before being thrown away...Please Use it!!!

Coolers & Ice on the Playa

There will be a section in the Kitchen area where Community Coolers will be stored. If you put a cooler in this area and it is not for 'Public' consumption please label as such. All coolers in this Community area will be drained, repacked and iced each day starting Monday. The drained cooler water can and should be captured & used for dishwashing.

Starting on Monday I will be making a Community Ice Run when CAMPARCTICA opens. The first portion of the ice purchased will go to refilling the Community Coolers, there will also be an unknown number of Bags of ice left over. They will be available on a first come first serve basis. If you have a cooler in your Personal area that needs ice, I will be happy to purchase & transport the ice for you upon request. Though you of course must let me know beforehand. Do not assume I know you would like ice...

PolyParadise Showers

Within the confines of PP there will be a Dual Bag Shower structure, that any PP camper can use. The bags are on Pulleys so they are easily raised & lowered. You will be responsible for filling the bag with your own water. If you use the shower and the bag is already full, it is your responsibility to re-fill the bag. The shower structure will be contained within an 8'x8' evap pond to catch soapy residue etc.

Kitchen & Community Meals

The Kitchen and all its contents (Except marked coolers) will be available for all PP campers to use and consume. Please be respectful in cleaning up after yourself after using the Kitchen. Wash any and all utensils, pots, spills in a reasonable amount of time after you have prepared any food. Within 6 hours is an acceptable time frame...

There will be a Dish Washing & Rinsing station available...Please use it!!!

If you have volunteered to host a Community Meal or will be providing side dishes, Dinner bell is rung at 6p, please plan your cooking & preparation time accordingly. Please be respectful of the Poly High Tea discussion while in the Kitchen/Community area while preparing your meal.

There will be Pots & Pans, Stoves, Utensils, Propane, Spices and just about everything else you need to make an awesome Playa Meal.

Camp Layout

We have 37 people camping with us including 5 RV's. We will do the best in placing each of you with a spot for your RV or Tent. When you arrive on the Playa make sure to see Steve or myself for proper placement within our space 'BEFORE' you unpack anything. Failure to do so may have you moving stuff you believe is already in its place. We will be tighter together than we have in the past as to the amount of room between our individual structures.

So...It will be VERY important how you place your Guide wires, Stakes, Ropes or what have you. Do NOT make it an obstacle course to navigate for yourself or others traversing through the camp. ALL rebar must be 'Cained' or covered with a Tennis Ball or Plastic Bottle to prevent injuries...Guide wires must be marked for night visibility.


PolyWomb is an awesome space provided to us by Darlene/Steve. It is a Sexually permissive space, meaning you may find others engaged in some form of Physical expression. DO NOT assume that you can join without asking and take NO to mean just that. Multiple persons can share this space at the same time with each group being respectful of each other. Please clean up after yourself!!!! The Donation of Safe Sex supplies is highly encouraged. Anything 'Left' in PolyWomb will be considered available for Public Use.

Camp Guests

You will be responsible for any and all actions of ANY guest that you bring to our PolyParadise