Alpha66 is the brainchild of Cameron Grant with vocals by Brianne

"ALPHA 66" is the name of the Cuban freedom fighters organization, dedicated to the overthrow of the Castro regime in Cuba. originally formed in the 60's, Alpha 66 today is a non profit organization with factions in Florida, California, & New Jersey.

They were the group trained by our military to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. After the botched invasion, they were taken prisoner by Castro, some were killed, & some spent years in Cuban prisons. All because our government didn't provide backup or air support for the invasion. (So typical of US policy in the 60's, right? Think: Viet Nam?)

Our government thought that they could get rid of Castro without being directly involved. They spent millions training these men, & then hung them out to dry. Castro's still in power, and Cuba's worse off than ever. What bullshit!

These incredibly brave men are some of our nations un-sung hero's & though they are considered terrorists by some, should be thanked by the American people for their valiant efforts in the face of insurmountable odds.

Please visit their home page @