Theresa May -AZBurner Newbie Orientation - '04 - Leave No Trace

All participants are required to remove their own trash and garbage. Burning Man is the single largest group user of the Black Rock Desert. Our stewardship efforts are not optional. Part of the beauty of the Playa is its emptiness. Except for tire tracks and footprints, our policy is to leave the desert as the profoundly barren and empty corner of the world that it is. All Black Rock City citizens are expected to participate in our clean-up effort. The Burning Man event has always asked participants to Pack-it-In/Pack-it-out. This is not a convenience society. There is no daily garbage pick up, and there never, ever will be. It's about radical self-expression and radical self-reliance. We are a society of activists -- we leave no trace. No trash receptacles or bins will be provided. Burning Man will provide only portable toilets which will be emptied on a regular basis.

Never let it hit the ground....Clean as you go.
Sort and Separate Garbage.

Trash is not something most of us think about. We live in a society where men come in the wee hours of the morning and take it all away. Not so on the playa.

Example: Food pail with lid/Cheese Cloth/Drying Rack

 Portapotty 101
Absolutely do not throw ANY trash of any kind into the porta-potties. This includes "organic" materials and others that "decompose" over time in a large public septic system. Putting anything but human waste and TP (1-ply) into the potties clogs the pumping mechanisms and makes it all but impossible for our waste vendor to maintain potties during the event. We're already on probation with the Truckee/Tahoe Sanitation District over trash in our waste -- which very much threatens the survival of the event.

"If it wasn't in your body, don't put it in the pottie!"

This includes TAMPONS. One idea is to carry a ziplock within a ziplock. The inner one is for used supplies, the outer one holds that and fresh supplies (including tampons, pads, baby wipes, extra TP, ibuprophen, etc). Put the ziplock in your garbage when you get back to camp.


Please do not dump trash on the side of the road! Major bad karma points await you, and the locals do not take kindly to people littering in their backyard.... Don't leave it in the dumpster at the Circle K either.

2 options are Fernley Sanitation in Fernley, or Lockwood Landfill in Reno.

See the website for details.

MOOP/Garbage Hitlist:
