Shangri-La Village Cleanup Plan

Shangri-La Village Cleanup Plan Here it is, the cleanup plan for Shangri-La Village! Shangri-La Village is new to the Playa this year, but most of us are veteran burners, and we want to set an example for our newbies and for other camps and villages. Our respect for the leave no trace ethic and our love for the Playa have imbued in us an almost obsessive desire to formulate a cleanup plan which leaves no stone unturned, but if you see any gaping flaws, please advise. We hope you like it. 

Education: We have established village-wide rules and guidelines, which will be disseminated to all villagers, and the message will be reinforced with newcomers. 

Enforcement: A team of Playa hygienists will be assigned to daily patrol the village for trash and loose objects, and to identify and remedy any potential problems. Each theme camp will also assign at least one person to serve in this capacity. 

Ground litter and windborne objects: All are encouraged to clean as they go, to avoid letting anything hit the ground, and to be aware of and to secure any loose objects which could potentially become windborne and become MOOP. Upon breakdown, a team will sweep the entire area in a grid, removing all debris and tainted Playa for proper disposal. 

Construction: All structures will be pre-manufactured off site to minimize the generation of sawdust, PVC shavings, metal shavings, or slag. In the event that work of this nature needs to be carried out, a large drop cloth will be placed down to collect all debris. All painting done on site will be done over a drop cloth. 

Anchoring devices: All stakes, rebar and otherwise, will be removed from the Playa before we vacate the site. Villagers are encouraged to avoid wooden or cheap plastic stakes, as they have a tendency to break off below the surface and become submerged. We have several structures that will require digging post holes in the Playa. When all posts have been removed, the holes will be backfilled, tamped, and leveled. 

Trash: Each group within the village is responsible for their non-burnable, non-recyclable trash. Everyone in the village is encouraged to segregate their trash in at least four waste streams: 1. non-burnable, non-recyclable trash. 2. non-toxic, burnable trash. 3. recyclable aluminum. 4. recyclable plastics. We will have a central collection area for burnable trash, which will be incinerated in our burn barrel, and the ashes removed for proper disposal. We will also have a central collection site for aluminum cans, and will also centralize plastic recycling if such a service is available. 

Gray water: We are blessed with the presence of Poly Paradise in our Village, which means Gray Water Recycling! Steve Iddings aka Water Log, PP’s water czar, will also serve as Shangri-La Village’s gray water Nazi. All kitchen gray water will be skimmed and strained, and submitted for treatment. All shower structures will be placed within evaporation ponds, constructed of 6 mil black poly, supported on all sides by 2X4s. Whatever water is not evaporated will be bilged from the ponds daily and submitted for gray water recycling. Villagers are encouraged to use the evaporation ponds when brushing their teeth, to avoid contaminating the Playa with toothpaste residue. Any gray water that cannot be processed by our gray water recycling unit will be containerized and hauled off the Playa for proper disposal. Evaporation ponds will be checked periodically for leaks and over splash, and immediately repaired if necessary. 

Vehicles. All vehicles on site will be inspected for potential fluid leaks, and a sheet of cardboard will be anchored under the vehicle to collect any light leakage, or a pan to collect heavier leakage. All vehicular fluids collected will be hauled off Playa for proper disposal. 

Tainted Playa: Inevitably, there will be the odd patch of motor oil, cooking oil, or paint imbedded in the Playa. All such contaminated Playa will be removed and hauled away for proper disposal. I feel we have covered the bases pretty well, but we’re always open to suggestions. 


Marc Bruce aka Viagra the Elf Mayor, Shangri-La Village